Your initial consultation is $55. If appetite suppressants are appropriate for you, the cost for a one-week supply is between $8-$16.
At the initial consultation, we will get your weight and blood pressure, and take your measurements. We will ask you about your current eating patterns, and listen to you about the areas where you struggle and what has been successful for you in the past. Then we will suggest an eating plan, one that uses foods you purchase at the store. We do sell protein drinks and bars at the office, but our focus will be on helping you develop a healthy eating style that will last a lifetime.
After the initial consultation, the office visit is $30, plus the appetite suppressants, if you get them.
For most of our patients, weekly visits provide the most success. At each visit, we will get your weight and blood pressure, and review the food diary that we ask you to keep. We will make changes to your eating plan, helping to adapt it to your lifestyle while also helping you to lose weight. You will receive weekly literature that has nutrition and healthy lifestyle information, as well as recipes.